Friday, October 21, 2005

Who the Hell is Ms. Right? I’m looking for Ms. Right Now!

When I started writing this piece, my sole purpose wasn’t just to try and make an extra buck, this serves as a Public service Announcement to all my brothers.

I want to enlighten the masses about the painful but undeniable truth- there is no “Ms. Right.” It’s a phony prophecy conjured and hammered into our heads from watching those blasted animated Disney movies at an early age, promising everlasting, unwavering love and happiness.

There is no right chick, we men are fickle, and only deal with what feels right at the time. After each painful removal of our heart by that girl we had a crush on, guys quickly figure out what to do next time-why search, when you can wait until something drops on your plate? That’s what dog’s do and they’re happy, right? So instead of going down the depressed route and asking yourself if you’re really suppose to be gay because of so many failed relationships; look on it the realistic way- all girls come standard with a minimum of 6 basic flaws that we men can’t control: Weight Issues, Friend Issues, Mental Issues, Hair Issues, Skin Issues & last but not least- the overuse of the little orifice we like to call the mouth, The Talking Issue.

Using my PIMP experience, I’ve come up with a couple of female categories that I guarantee will cross a male’s life during one point in his life. These categories, however paltry do represent true to life episodes of some writers’… I mean some dudes dynamic story. Read on and see if you can identify a type of girl that has crossed your path.

Remember guys, the secret to getting over any girl is to have a good insurance policy- have a backup chick. I use the best one out there, it's called “Pimp Protection”.

The Wifey
The closest specimen ever en route to the fictitious notion of “Ms. Right”. Normally she is viewed as the first girlfriend from the days of high school.

We normally illustrate this girl as “the one who got away” and never had to tuck in her belly while doing so. The reason this girl slipped through you buttery-ass fingers is due to some uncontrollable occurrence: Migration, attending University abroad or because of sexual tension -as the wife NEVER puts out- you are caught sniffing...I mean searching around in her delicates’ draw. She’s the girl you compare all the other girls in your life to. The one you find yourself chatting to for hours on MSN Messenger, when you should really be concentrating on your 9-5 job. No matter how much effort you try and put into getting her back, you find yourself repeatedly slamming into the “Best Buds” wall she has formed between the both of you.

The All out Hoe
Also defined as being at least two years younger than you. This variety can be found grazing any trendy store. Eye contact is made, mouths salivate, ‘tents’ pitch and she gives you every opportunity in the world to get dem digits. Yes, it’s as easy as that. The next day you get to talking and behold- the first question to come out her mouth is if you’re a virgin, and if so how many positions and places have you had sex. After being a bit dodgy with the question and finding out that she has done ‘it’ almost everywhere including her ex’s car bonnet, she reveals to you the only way a rendezvous can happen is if you pick her up at her aunt’s house- as the ‘pops’ is a Pastor, has some idea about her past ‘conquests’ and wouldn’t approve of any gentleman callers sniffing around the porch-which leads to the verification of the Jamaican Myth: females spawned from ‘men of the cloth’ are the “Worst bad bruck Pinckney on the face of the planet!”

So after getting all the particulars straight with the chick, you rendezvous, do the ‘do’ and get to stepping. After a couple ‘rumbles, you both have your full, it’s neither here or there. No calls, no need to pass by aunties house anymore. Easy come, easy go.

The Juvenile a.k.a Ticky Ticky
This variety is defined by the capacity to always be laughing and/or giggling about almost anything in sight, or anything that come out of your mouth. She has the affinity to be light headed most, if not all of the time, which results in and compliments her bold and wild freakiness. Example: Subject will try and bestow southward pleasures on you, or try and make you play “Hide Frankie the Finger” while her mom is watching The Learning Channel in the next room.

Subject is also characterized to be the MOST manny manny girl ever- due to her age she is always reliant on the attention of a wide variety of men.

The manniness in her comes to a climax while at some party that you both attend, she dances with every guy except you, as you stand by watching like the teenage bait that you are.

The Disheartened Wench
This character only comes along as a result of you and your ‘boys’ sticking to the ‘G Code’ that simply states: “Sharing is caring”. This character is normally recommended from a close friend. The subject is still not over THAT friend, so the timely intervention & soothing company of another male is key. Still not over the pain of lost love, most conversations are filled with, “I just can’t believe he did that.” to which -if you’re smart- you’ll reply, “I know just how you feel.”

After enduring a couple weeks of neediness on her part, if you pull this off right enough, coupled with strategic pathetic sad puppy faces, it’ll definitely get you to where you want to be: a comfy parking space at Devon House, at night, Air Conditioning on the lowest possible temperature and a baton twirling security guard amidst; left baffled as to why your car is the only one with foggy windows.

The ‘Joe Grind’ Experience
This species is defined by her stunning looks. She’s the type that EVERY guy goes after. No one is immune to her beauty. The short of it is that she is all pretty face but no character whatsoever- but her ass is too fine to pass up, even if it leads you down a road of destruction. How do you meet? She’s got a man, they’re having problems, and she calls you every night in tears after they come off the phone. She needs comforting. Comforting leads to, “Hey what you doing for lunch tomorrow?” Lunch leads to long gazes and playing footsy under the table of Pizza Hut, oblivious to her friend sitting right beside you.

All of sudden you both are the quintessential “Batty & Bench” -always seen together. A day doesn’t go by that she doesn’t call you or flirt with you. Your natural human response is a fast and steady development of an oily ‘pudding’ in your back, until one day after weeks of resisting her temptations you give in.

From that day on, you are an official male matey. All her friends see you together but have no idea what’s going on. Constant Joe grinding is the order of the day, she can’t get enough of you, and vice versa. You find every parking lot in both major universities to quench the lust for each other, every free school period an opportunity to drive back home together. You’re enamored by her beauty and the ‘props’ you get from other guys for actually knowing this chick. You eventually cause the break up between her long time boyfriend, and all her friends find out.

You’re status is now raised to “Top Shotta”, as you are the “guy to break up this great relationship”. Eventually Karma is the bitch she always is, and what goes around comes around. She moves on to some other dude, as the relationship is “too much to handle” and “everyone is talking”. You’re a train wreck and sad that you’ve lost the best piece of ass to ever cross your path, but what always brings a smile to your face is the reminiscing of the way you ‘wore that out.’

The Christian Chick
After your many college years of pimping, you decide to take a break. Maybe you need a little Jesus in your life. You’re weary from the long and treacherous road of College Hoes. The thought always crossed your mind, but you never believed you would ever find a good looking Christian chick. So you find her. She’s a 7, but that’s ok, as there’s almost no good looking Christian chicks in Jamaica anyway.

Her attributes are immature behavior and what I like to refer to as ‘Chicken Coop Syndrome’-locked off and totally unaware of society’s norms and values because of her devout love for God. You find her passion for God mysterious and enlightening- she actually has your lazy behind going back to church, and quoting scriptures. You can see a future ahead of you: Kids, picket fences, a dog named Rambo and the smell of bacon; however you are always questioning yourself if the sex will be any good, when you finally do get some -will she consult God first if I tell her my fantasies of wanting Rambo and the Parakeet watching us have sex?

Later on you realize that she’s not really mysterious; she’s actually just fucking boring. You’re not allowed to watch a freaking horror movie, your beloved Sopranos, or your Sunday Night HBO line up- as it’s ungodly and she doesn’t approve of such things. You ask yourself if you can stand another Saturday of watching freaking “Shrek” with her baby sister.

Because of her ‘Chicken Coop Syndrome’, she doesn’t respond well to problems, and the first thing she does when hardship arises is to run and drop the Jesus Bomb on you-“I’m sorry, I talked to my councilor and she said that if I don’t feel comfortable about something I should just let it pass.”

The Conclusion? You tell yourself never to talk to another girl that doesn’t know her left foot, from her right.

The Snake under Grass ‘Ho’
The MOST deceptive bitch ever to ever cross your path. She is characterized by the only girl to slip by your pimp radar and do the pimping herself…on you!

She is defined by her family problems, constant talk about marriage and a better life which is anywhere but home, away from one or both of her annoying parents. She makes you feel like a king for the first couple of months. Bending to your will, and most importantly- into any pretzel shape you desire. You put food in her trough whenever she comes over, as for some reason she isn’t well fed at home.(which is ironic considering the last sentence on this type)

You’re amazed of the girlfriend attributes she has: Rubbing your back while you watch Television and being cool enough to actually own and play a video game console, but still you keep your distance, pimping isn’t easy after all.

However, after a couple of months of a trivial relationship and squabbles, while still your girlfriend, goes abroad and comes back married. Yes married. No matter how deceptive and evil it sounds you strangely find yourself relieved and getting over her with ease; because of the one problem that stood out from the moment you met her, the reason you never carried her ass out in public, the thing that irked you silently, the one thing, no matter what excellent things she pulled off in bed- still pulled at the steel core of your masculine shallowness and inner sanctity-she was a porker.(fat/swine/Ms. Piggy)


The Seeker said...


Intresting, way to look at things.

Anonymous said...

u basically show how shallow and categorical men are...u guys lack the ability to have and possess a real woman.

Bashmentbasses said...
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Anonymous said...

I have to agree with what "a real woman" said - guys are "shallow and categorical". While it's refreshing to see that guys share similar experiences trying to find 'Ms Right' as women trying to find 'Mr Right', I think the difference is that women are able to come out of the experience learning something deeper about the person. While looks are important, the 'honeymoon' period in every relationship has to end sometime... so your 'porker' may not be a beauty queen or a dainty size 00, but she probably has a lot more substance (and not just because of her size!) or she wouldn't have been married as described in the scenario!

Bashmentbasses said...
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Anonymous said...

OK, so I agree with you, but I have to ask, is any of this personal?

I don't get what or who is a porker tho...Anywhooo..I believe that these different categories of women appeal to different age group of men.

Can you write a blog about that?

Anonymous said...

My Gauuud is like this yute has had the same experiences i have...its uncanny. But i must say it is funny as hell though....big up the di man Jim Screechy

Jim Screechy said...

I'm amazed you online bitches have no idea what the word "Porker" means. For those ignorant to this 20th century PIMP phrase, I have included a lil' note beside the actual word in the article which defines it.

And now for my rebuttals:
"a real woman"-if you read the article, you would realise that there exists no "real women" - hence the inability of us men to possess one...(insert eye rolling smiley here)...NEXT!

"bashmentbasses"- Thanks for your comments! However I never said that these persons are real..or did I?
Just a question, does Ms. Dix know about you being familiar with all these types of women? Are you still 'sane' after meeting her?

"Anonymous"- Actually the difference in men & women after a relationship is that women, even after promising the world, don't stick to their guns. Men do. Also, if you never realsied, the "porker" in this article got married(!). What fucking substance could you possibly be refeering to that she possesses??!!
The only substance she boasts, has to be her gut that keeps her so well afloat in pools, if you ask me...NEXT!

"bashmentbasses2"-dude..stay off the weed, I don't understand what the fuck you just said your 2nd time around.Go clean some steel pans..(joke):-)

"Alisson"-if you would take 15 seconds of your time to read my profile, you'd know what this is all about. I might take up the offer to write about your proposal if you show me your tits. Yes? No?

"Joe Grine"- I'll give you the nicest comment since, you lack brain cells as I do (based on your grammar & the amount of words in your comment).
Thank You. :-)

Anonymous said...

bashmentbasses....speak for yourself on that one ....i do not have less insight than animals.

A guy spends his time to sit and write about categories of women and end up saying there is no real woman?..he obviously is not a real man!!! ....

I agree with anonymous....if he met one...he would not be writing these articles.

So Jimscreechy....what other 'witty' comment do u have? Was intelligence misplaced where u were concerned?

Anonymous said...

I believe that life's experiences teach different people different things. Your experiences are also closely related to the choices that YOU make. Therefore, the 'type' of woman that a man ends up with is most likely as a result of what appeals to him. Therefore, if you plant corn, u can't get peas....get me?

Bashmentbasses said...

Bwoy you know 'Drew .... I mean Screechy, I took a while to answer your comment cause I like to be a piece... peace maker.

Pans I can go clean ... with clenched teeth. Negative implications about MY missus?! 'Diffrant' story!!

You still at SD's? Just so I know where to find you should there be need for further 'dis-cuss-ions'.

Anonymous said...

Since there is no 'Ms Right' then this applies to all women. Just one question : which one does your mother fit into?

Bashmentbasses said...
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Jim Screechy said...

THATS THE SPIRIT ANONYMOUS! Where are more guys/gals like you??
"anoynmous"- (Insert thinking smiley emoticon here)…Hmmm..she definitely wouldn’t be the “Wifey” because she never got hitched.
Definitely not the “Juvenile” cause there was nothing to smile or laugh about when your ass was living in the country, back in them ancient days, getting your ass whooped with cane trash.

Not the “Disheartened Wench” because she never cried about another boyfriend....I think...

Definitely not the Joe Grind Experience because she is too 'fool fool' to even know how to approach a man and give lyrics.

Not the “Snake under grass Ho”, cause she’s DEFINATELY not fat and ugly.

So I would say it’s between the “So called Christian Chick” and the “All out hoe”.
I wouldn’t put her in the Christian category cause Soca loving and Christianity doesn’t mix-izzle.
So I guess this technically just leaves her in the last category!

Coupled with the fact that she just stole my big screen T.V. and owes me money..momma you a ho!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! ...and which one me fit in?

Anonymous said...

yea yea... star wars star trek ... link up at the convention asap...
i will be dressed as WORF... bring u phasers..

Anonymous said...

i like white women only... andi am black.

Anonymous said...

I must admit, you definately had me cracking up. I normally dont like reading because i get bored easily but this was something else. I loved it.

Anonymous said...

A very good article - I couldn't stop reading it. You should write more, you know...


Anonymous said...

Absolutely hilarious...the sad thing is, women know dem can relate!! Dont Play!!

Anonymous said...

To be honest either there is nuff women out there like this or me and screechy is sexing the same girls. How ever i do disagree with you on some points . one i think there is such a thing as Mrs right. I never met the chick but she may exist.I never met Osama bin Laden but i know he exsit. Two i met a few good looking christans but ur right they are boring as hell and they have wordrobe issues,(can only take these long skirts down to the ankles but for so long). And Three there is nothing wrong with dealing with a mampy . just ask anonymous

Anonymous said...

The one thing that is consistent with all these failures is of course you! Thank God that none of these women would have been subjected to your malevolent, misoginistic, dribble! Why not write a piece about the idiocy of men, you know the "I can't keep my penis to myself because I have no morals" and of course the ever popular "I don't need to have a brain, too much blood is in my genitals". Idiot! Sincerely, A Woman with Standards

Jim Screechy said...

Wow, more comments-onward with my rebuttals. Thanks for making this blog so successful-all your fan/hate mail has really done wonders for my ego, and it sure has helped with acquiring a handful of nympho groupies.
-Anonymous:-yes I do think women can relate, chicken heads of a feather normally do flock together!

-Xtrahype:- I never said these were true to life stories, I also didn’t say that these were my stories. Maybe there is a Ms. Right, but you sure are gonna have to pass through alot of baggage before get a chance to meet her-so she can then be appreciated. Mampy's? Wrong there is something with dealing with a Mampy, especially if you suffer from motion sickness, ever seen a gut jiggle? Waaaves!
PS- thanks for the comments but please contact me for a good English grammar class, I cringed while TRYING to read what you typed. Holler!

-tamika:- Just a couple of questions? Are you fat? Have you been cheated on? When was the last time you had sex? If the answer to these questions are "yes”,” yes" and "never/50 years ago" respectively- then I have no comment. If not, here's my comment:
I always wondered what "malevolent" meant, thanks for forcing me to look it up in the dictionary. The idea of writing an article about those type of men are a good idea, but I think in writing this article, I actually wrote about the idiocy/absurdity of being a man-dealing with women. Fatty!

Jim screechy

Anonymous said...

ok ok ok...back up offa Tamika...she has a very good point...u men cannot think past your genitals. U say u r looking for Ms.Right and when she does appear all u do is find faults. This just shows ur lack of maturity and intelligence with regards to relationships and how to handle real women,u do not want Ms Right ...u want Mrs. JAW..Ms. P...y Jaw that is.

For your info...a real man can handle all his shit and accepts his woman for who she every way. So...

Jim Screechy said...

- a real woman said:- back again for more lashing wench!? We men wouldn't mind finding Ms. Right,kwe don't find faults with them- the reason you think we find faults with you guys, is because we actually find faults- with your brain patterns-i.e.-psychotic behaviour.
If a male doesn't want to be around a female that is aggressive, and just all out emotional and there is no medical alternative (female neutering). then wahat choice do we have, but to step out of the relationship? If this is what you call not being able to handle a real woman, then we can't, we'd rather leave that to the nut house attendants!
You seem bitter.Ms. P..Jaw? Is she Ms. Right? When you release yours from the chastity belt your wearing , ask her if she thinks she's "The One"

Anonymous said...

u are so nature women are yes emotional that because of you not knowing to handle your business....u men say u understand, sayu u care etc and then when push comes to shove ur actions say something completely different. THIS MEANS U HAVE NO STAND AND NO STAMINA.
U men cannot live by your words...and the last paragraph of your comment proves me right...u can't saa pass ur genitals.....its all about sex with you men. Nothing else. Ur right..u don't want Ms. Right...U wnat Ms. Right NOW...WHO IS Ms. P jaw...thats the only thing u can relate to. U guys really don't have brains or hearts just penises...

Unknown said...

Woman's Perspective
THE Huzzy
He is also the one that got away, perhaps you were too young and naive and thought you would have had time to revive this relationship later on in life. Either after experiencing some other kinds of relationships or maybe his dick was just too small!!
Nevertheless he treats you like a princess,sends you roses every Friday and even moves to another country for you! He's youre best friend, drop dead gorgeous and totally in love with you!(what were you thinking)
You eventually realize that this has to be too good to be true after the marriage proposal which you have to turn down as you know youre parents won't pay for school if they know youre getting married.
After school, you look for him only to find out that he's moved on and is nowhere near interested in marriage after you've broken his heart!

Joe Grind

This is the one you goes around fucking everything in sight! Has no morals or standards when it comes to relationships and is really just trying to put his dick in anyone. He'll give you the i am undressing you with my eyes look and will even try to grind on you at a social party with his hard on.
Obsessive and very strange, you may have a one night stand with him and totally regret 2 minutes after!! lol

The Serial Monagamist
This guy just doesnt want to be alone, he'll want to wife you up within weeks of dating, which may feel like youre being swept off your feet. Once he has you under his spell however, he expresses all the things he doesnt like about you and what you need to change. i.e. your hair is too short, you need to lose 10 pounds and i dont like your best friend ..CHANGE!!
He suddenly finds excuses to fly solo when going out and soon finds some shitty reason to break up with you, usually making it out to be your fault. or turns completely 360 degrees and turns intot the total opposite of what you met (more like his real personality)

The perfect guy
Understanding and sensitive but not too sensitive. is old enough to take care of himself. Wants a family but is not too hung up on marriage, would rather get to know the person and understand her ins and outs, what makes her tick and accept her for her faults as well as her strengths.Is well read, responsible, interesting, creative and respectful. Is not into the hype or running around with all these other women. although he can. Beleives in love rather than lust and wants to meet someone who he can grow old with. bless

Unknown said...

Woman's Perspective
THE Huzzy
He is also the one that got away, perhaps you were too young and naive and thought you would have had time to revive this relationship later on in life. Either after experiencing some other kinds of relationships or maybe his dick was just too small!!
Nevertheless he treats you like a princess,sends you roses every Friday and even moves to another country for you! He's youre best friend, drop dead gorgeous and totally in love with you!(what were you thinking)
You eventually realize that this has to be too good to be true after the marriage proposal which you have to turn down as you know youre parents won't pay for school if they know youre getting married.
After school, you look for him only to find out that he's moved on and is nowhere near interested in marriage after you've broken his heart!

Joe Grind

This is the one you goes around fucking everything in sight! Has no morals or standards when it comes to relationships and is really just trying to put his dick in anyone. He'll give you the i am undressing you with my eyes look and will even try to grind on you at a social party with his hard on.
Obsessive and very strange, you may have a one night stand with him and totally regret 2 minutes after!! lol

The Serial Monagamist
This guy just doesnt want to be alone, he'll want to wife you up within weeks of dating, which may feel like youre being swept off your feet. Once he has you under his spell however, he expresses all the things he doesnt like about you and what you need to change. i.e. your hair is too short, you need to lose 10 pounds and i dont like your best friend ..CHANGE!!
He suddenly finds excuses to fly solo when going out and soon finds some shitty reason to break up with you, usually making it out to be your fault. or turns completely 360 degrees and turns intot the total opposite of what you met (more like his real personality)

The perfect guy
Understanding and sensitive but not too sensitive. is old enough to take care of himself. Wants a family but is not too hung up on marriage, would rather get to know the person and understand her ins and outs, what makes her tick and accept her for her faults as well as her strengths.Is well read, responsible, interesting, creative and respectful. Is not into the hype or running around with all these other women. although he can. Beleives in love rather than lust and wants to meet someone who he can grow old with. bless

Jim Screechy said...

Wow, somebody seems to have a lil experience under her belt huh? Thank god u stopped at 4 guys or else, I'd have to have a disclaimer against hoe posting!

Nice T-Shirt site by the way. I have a few phrases for you to add. Carry me to TGIF for a Jack Daniels Steak and I'll let you in on my pure genius. Holla!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the plug :) I can't say men are aytpical .They can be put into 4 different categories. hehehe. Some may have a mixture of both. But hey thats it the huzzy, Joe Grind a.ka. Dogg, Serial Monagamist and of course our ideal perfect guy.
The latter is the rarest of forms and usually has a hint of one of the other catgories in him, which sometimes ruins it for us women.

When they are in love though, the feelings seem to take over any sense of rationality that may have. Thats when its the good stuff!!;)

Too bad there is not more of that. We have somehow numbed ourselves to be less inclined to open our hearts, which is why men are very shallow, simplistic and usally go for one thing: tits and ass. See Kanye West's video "Touch the Sky"

Nadya Dee said...

how more!

Nadya Dee said...

oh comment.Silly me...

As far as i'm concerned man and woman were put on earth to do one thing, and that is to copulate and increase the population...ya'll are getting too caught up with emotions and relationships and shit.

Women you need to be looking for a working man with good hair, good genes, a big dick and a fairly small head (because you don't wanna get a big tear during child-birth).

Men: look for a woman with child-bearing hips, tits that can carry lots of milk and a high sex drive so that we can all do what God intended us to do: eat, drink, have lots of sex and breed.

that's my two pennies. Peace

Jim Screechy said...

NadYaDee, I'm glad to see there's actually a female with your humour, welcome! Looking forward to hearing more of your verbal poo! You're actually to bring me, a silly hand puppet, to tears...

Nadya Dee said...

lol...verbal poo...interesting way to classify my words of wisdom :-/ but thanks for the warm welcome nonetheless...i'm flattered by the tears and the fact that you actually thought I was joking. You can guarantee that i'll be haunting your "commentary page"'s comforting to know i'm not the only cynical person in the world =D

Jim Screechy said...

Your page is and interesting read-you're my new blog heroine. Too bad I'm hitched; I could have offered you groupie status, we could have banged and then entertained ourselves with our mutual love of witty banter.

Nadya Dee said...

Thanks but no thanks. I'm only a groupie to real artistes the ones with an actual career =P
Just kidding !!! b4 u get ure draws in a knot...So since banging is out i'll have to settle for being entertained by "our mutual love of witty banter" I guess?